Terms of Service

Please confirm the product before placing the order.
When the customer places an order, it is equivalent to accepting the terms and conditions.

  • After payment, the order will be generated and your order will be confirmed.
  • Inventory is reserved only for paying customers. (First come first served)
  • Specific terms and conditions allow exchanges. For more information, please click "Refund Policy"
  • If you do not understand the specifications and differences of the product, you can contact customer service to help you.
  • We ship to users in Malaysia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, and more regions will be opened later
  • Please do not place orders with anyone who is not within the scope of our company. Any loss is not our responsibility.
  • Unless the delivery process is damaged, other human factors will not accept exchanges
  • Payments made before 3pm are regarded as orders for the day, and payments made after 3pm are regardedas orders for the next day.
  • Shipment will be shipped the next day.
  • Please confirm the inventory before payment.
  • After the payment is completed, please keep the receipt, and request to show the receipt if necessary.
  • After placing an order and paying, it is the same as accepting our agreement and rules.